SOT Board Meeting. Mon 5/15 7pm WG Library
May 10, 2017
The next Save Our Trails board meeting will be
Monday May
15th at 7pm at the Willow Glen Library.
Minnesota Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
If you want to support trails in Santa Clara County, please renew
your membership.
Happy Trails!
Secretary, Save Our Trails
Report from SCC Trails — City of San Jose
March 24, 2017
The Seventh Annual Save Our Trails Meeting was one of our best yet. Recent flooding has reminded the citizens of San Jose how important the maintenance of our creeks, trails, and parks are. We were thrilled this year to have reports from the Santa Clara County Water District, Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful, and the City of San Jose.
The City of San Jose was represented by the hard-working team of Yves Zsutty (City of San Jose Trail Manager) and Angel Rios (Director of the SJ Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services).
In case you didn’t have a chance to attend, Yves Zsutty has provided these notes, so you can catch up on all the latest with the San Jose City Trail System.
“Thank you for the opportunity to share news of our PRNS programs and projects at last night’s meeting. It was great to see so many attendees and celebrate on-going success with your organization.
Angel discussed our Greenprint project. We will soon post the dates for community workshops. I’ll post that information via Twitter@SanJoseTrails. At this time are asking community members to take the Mapita survey to support data collection and secure great ideas. The survey is found at:
The Trail Program Strategic Plan is posted at: This report offers insights on the work that has been done, and the resources necessary to proceed with another 40 miles of trails to complete the Network.
Trail Count data, including the most recent report and ‘Decade in Review’ report is posted at:
Three Creeks Trail construction gets underway in between 4 and 6 weeks. I’ll be working with our Public Works Project Manager to conduct frequent site visits to monitor and ensure the best quality construction and also document on-going progress. Watch for pictures and updates via Twitter@SanJoseTrails.”
7th Annual Meeting! Tonight! Mon 3/20 7pm
March 19, 2017
Our annual meeting is here! Monday March 20th 7pm at the Willow Glen Library.
This is the meeting of the year where we get to meet you and hear about your interests, and where we invite local experts to describe the work of their organizations. Members will elect our newest board members.
Our speakers this year will be Angel Rios & Yves Zsutty from San Jose PRNS, Barbara Keegan from the Water District, and Deb Kramer from Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful. They will be speaking and answering questions about trail related issues, the Greenprint, and Coyote Meadows. Snacks, drinks and other treats will be available.
If you want to support trails in Santa Clara County (and vote in the board election!) remember to renew your membership in advance, or bring a check or cash to the door. Membership
Action: Help Cleanup SJ Parks 3/3-5
March 2, 2017
Dear SOT Members,
This weekend, the City of San Jose is asking volunteers to join a cleanup of Kelley Park and the Japanese Friendship Garden, which received damage in the recent flooding of nearby Coyote Creek. The cleanups will begin at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 3, Saturday, March 4, and Sunday, March 5.
For more details and to register go
Stay safe & dry,
Save Our Trails
Save Our Trails
Save Our Trails on Valley Politics
January 16, 2017
Please enjoy this video on Valley Politics featuring our President Bill Rankin.