Save Our Trails


Save Our Trails Meeting
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Garden Theater
1165 Lincoln Ave., San Jose, CA 95125
Conference Room 2nd Floor
Go up the elevator and make a left.
9:30-10am: Coffee and chat
10am-12pm: Meeting


Participants at a meeting on June 15th with Councilmember Oliverio learned of the support offered by Friends of the Guadalupe River Park and Gardens to the goal of building the Three Creeks Trail. They explored with Friends of the Guadalupe the ways in which our two organizations might support one another.

District 7

Evonne Lai, staff member to district 7 Councilmember Madison Nguyen, expressed the Councilmember’s concern about public safety on the trail, given the heavy level of truck traffic along the streets transversed by the Three Creeks Trail.

Canopy Appeal

We received a report that the San Jose Planning Department voted to grant the Stucco Supply Company a permit to build a canopy over the proposed path for the Three-Creeks Trail. A motion was approved to file an appeal with the Planning Commission to this decision.

Guadalupe River Trail

We learned that the project to construct the extension of the Guadalupe River Trail between Woz Way and Virginia on the west side of the River will be let for bid in two or three months’ time.

We also learned that, as part of the downtown flood control work on the Guadalupe River, the railroad trestle south of Coleman will be replaced. This will require the closure of the trail on the east side and a detour between Julian and the trestle on the west. Friends of the Guadalupe River Parks and Gardens is working to ensure that trail access is preserved during the period of the construction but last heard that UPRR was withholding permission to cross their property, which would result in a substantial on-street detour.

As part of this project, the City has approved the building of a vehicle bridge across the Guadalupe River to allow the railroad to access the parcel they own south of the PG&E substation (at the south end of Santa Teresa St.) However the road will create at-grade crossings of the Guadalupe River trail, along both the east bank and the west bank. Save Our Trail members were urged to submit comments on the plans.

Save Our Trails Meeting
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Garden Theater
1165 Lincoln Ave., San Jose, CA 95125
Conference Room 2nd Floor
Go up the elevator and make a left.

We had a report of a presentation made to Councilmember Nguyen of District 7 on the Three Creeks Trail and a presentation to a coalition of neighborhood associations.
We learned that the Stucco Supply Company, the only purchaser of part of the right of way from UPRR, has applied for a permit to erect a canopy on the right of way.
We heard a report on the pros and cons of three possible forms of organization for Save Our Trails:
• An unincorporated association
• A 501(c)(4) Social welfare organization
• A 501(c)(3) Non-profit
A motion was passed to incorporate as a 501(c)(4).
A motion was passed to name the organization “Save Our Trails” plus a descriptive addendum. A subcommittee was formed to come up with a list of possibilities to be presented to the full group at the next meeting for a vote.

Next Save Our Trails Meeting:
9:30 am – 12 noon – Saturday, June 13
Second floor conference room
Garden Theater
1165 Lincoln Avenue (1/2 block S. of Willow St.)
San Jose, CA 95125
Bring a friend – join us!


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